Tag Archives: work

Nigeria Preparation – Week 9 #ibmcsc

So we are now done with another week of preparation – and one week closer to departure. It’s hard to imagine, but there are only 4 weeks left! Times does really fly!

On our call today we learned that we will get to know the clients we will be working with next week and I am really excited for that! We’ll also get more documentation and information about these clients and other matters next week. I can now imagine myself on the plane on the way to Ado Ekiti because we are so close to the departure date! For me, the milestone to achieve this week is to try and get my visa fully sorted out – hopefully this week! Then at least I know that there is nothing impeding my departure in terms of formalities.

In today’s meeting we went through some more very important administration issues, heard some more presentations on the different topic areas relating to cultural adaptability in Nigeria to help give us an overview (thanks to the team for awesome preparation work!), and we also got a great overview of our Corporate Citizenship Programmes taking place in Nigeria. Every time I hear about the ways we stayed engaged in our communities around the world, I always feel a source of great pride.

I feel as prepared as I can be for Nigeria at this point. But I also know that the next week and the weeks thereafter are going to be a lot of work right up until the point where we arrive in Ado Ekiti. I feel like next week I will be posting about how unprepared I feel, which is something I am looking forward to because it means we move to the next step of preparation before our arrival!

Every day I am looking more forward to this experience than the day before! \o/

#ibmcsc Nigeria

Nigeria Preparation – Week 8

So this week commences was the eight week of prep for my #ibmcsc Nigeria assignment (please forgive the tags, they are needed for aggregators, etc) and I have to say that with each passing week it begins to feel more real.

This week the members of our team presented on more topics that they did research on in order to give us background and knowledge as a team. The presentations were well done – as usual with the team. We also got some more preparation information and of the course the usual reminders about the preparation work and admin. For someone like me (who wants to normally jump right in when I am enthusiastic about something), the prep work has been very helpful to help pace me. I was a bit behind all of the prep work last week, but now not only am I caught up, I am happy to say even a bit ahead of schedule 🙂

Outside of our group meetings, I finally got everything right in order to submit my paperwork to the Embassy today here in Stockholm. I had to go in person which was inconvenient but a small price to pay for what will surely be an adventure! \o/

It’s hard to think that in 5 weeks from now I will be in Nigeria on my assignment. I feel mostly prepared, but the happy panic will set in around 2 weeks. There is still a bit to do to prepare for Nigeria as well as the trip after Nigeria to see some more of Africa.

Anyway, that’s enough for now. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy 2013! <3

Nigeria Preparation – Weeks 6 and 7

Well it seems that I am not doing the best job in the world of updating my preparation for my upcoming trip to Nigeria on a weekly basis like I had hoped. So I have been jotting down some notes here and there and now I finally have the opportunity to put them down on digital paper.

Weeks 6 and 7 are not continuous weekly. We didn’t have a meeting on 5 December and because I was on vacation in Irsael, I had to listen to the recording on Week 6 (12 December). However, I did attend our prep call for 19 December (Week 7), which was our last call of the year, and essentially concludes the second month of preparation.

Week 6 (12 December)

If I had to summarise Week 6, it would be that the administrative details and the logistical requirements are rather easy, but making the time for them is difficult. It’s the normal pressures of work against the ‘homework’ requirements that we have combined with the need to get through all of the formalities such as obtaining our visas, etc, etc. It is pressure that can be handled of course, but it does leave us with a lot to do.

In terms of the preparation meeting we had this week (again, thanks to the team for recording the call), we got to hear more details from our colleagues in Nigeria about some more of what we can expect which was nice because it is always good to get first-hand knowledge. Our ‘Alumni’ member assigned to our team (someone who has done a Corporate Service Corps community project in the country before) also provided us with some valuable insight.

I think for many of us, the thing that is still outstanding (and most eagerly awaited) is to know what our assignments will be. Who will we be working with (we are told that Ado Ekiti is most dedicated to university education and the government)? What issues will be working on? How do we ensure we make the best start possible? What is clear from the team is a great commitment to get started and to do a good job. Personally for me, there is a positive pressure that I am putting on myself to make sure that we do at least as good of a job as our predecessors. Once we know the issues that we will be working on, I plan to make full use of our global project library to contact and work with experts.

So that is what Week 6 was about…preparation, homework, exciting building, sharing how we feel about the assignment, and lots of admin and logistics!


Week 7 (19 December)

It’s our last meeting for 2012. And it’s hard to imagine that since getting our initial notifications that only 9-10 weeks have. Goodness how quickly time is flying! We began our meeting with a status on more logistics and preparation of course! I got a timely reminder that I had to visit a travel doctor in order to fix any required vaccinations that I need and medicines I must secure before I travel. According to a lot of people, the vaccinations will be very expensive. However, since I was already traveling a lot for IBM as a IT Auditor and then for my personal travels, I don’t think I’ll need as many vaccinations as my colleagues had to get (Note: My assumption turned out to be correct. I needed 2 booster shots and everything else was in order). And of course then there is sorting out the visa. I have completed most of the paperwork for the visa, but I have confess that I have not filed it yet. First because you have to show evidence of being vaccinated against Yellow Fever. Second, the different websites I have been checking have shown different information requirements and fees. So I will contact the Nigerian Embassy in Stockholm again in early January (after the Christmas break period) to sort it out once and for all. When I contacted them earlier this month, they were very helpful and told me that with the correct paperwork, the visa should be approved and in my passport within 4 days of submission.

Today was also presentations by members of the team on certain topics relating to Nigeria in terms of culture and customs. It is a great way to get us engaged and committed to learning more about the destination country. The presentations were really good actually – I have saved them to my DropBox account so that I can have easy reference to them to read when I am community or otherwise don’t have access to my laptop. Our IBM Nigeria colleague was on hand as well to serve kind of as a point of truth and I have to say that everyone pretty much passed. Of course books and reality are always a bit different from each other, but I was impressed with the level of energy the team has. I also learned that even through I have like 14 hours of air travel, there will essentially be a 1-hour time difference between Stockholm and Ado Ekiti. No that doesn’t mean that I will be taking work calls. It does mean however that I should have less of a time adjustment to make over everyone else. Speaking of my day job – I also have to make a note to review my coverage plan with everyone covering for me and to make sure that I share it with my managers and other interested parties. I want to make sure that I am fully focused on my CSC assignment.

Frustratingly, we still don’t have our assignments for what we will be doing in Ado Ekiti. It is entirely normal that we don’t get details until Month 3 of our preparation (January….yikes! It is so close) so I look forward to getting the details in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, there is still plenty of admin and homework to be done – and I have to confess that I am behind. Guess who will be a bit busy during Christmas and New Years playing catch up? 🙂


Our next week is the first Wednesday in January. I am basically 6 weeks from departure, yet I feel remarkably calm and related about the CSC engagement. It’s the other things surrounding the engagement that have me a bit nervous 🙂 But all things will work out. We have a lot of great support and material to help me be as a prepared as possible 🙂 So all I can say is “bring it on!” 😀

#ibmcsc nigeria

Nigeria Preparation – Weeks 4 and 5

So I was a bit lazy to update after my preparation last week, so I should put 2 updates into one post.

Week 4

The prep meeting was fantastic in fact. It was great because for the first time we were hearing from people directly from Nigeria. So we had a great opportunity to hear first hand information about what to wear, what to expect in terms of food, some logistics, some “insider tips” about the location where we will be (Ado Ekiti). Our facilitator has been very helpful in sharing her experiences from Kenya, but the fact that we have gotten direct information. We also spent a lot of time talking about local customs and the exchanging of gifts (need to think of something typically Swedish). Besides that, we also talked about other formalities such as visas and immigration information. And of course, to continue along with the electronic preparations and study guides.

Week 5

I couldn’t make the regularly scheduled meeting this week, but today I had the benefit of listening to the recording of the meeting. What a good this is in my opinion because I get to hear the answers directly and get a sense of the conversation. Today was basically the same as last week, but this time we got some more information on the place we will sta (the name of the hotel), and even some more detailed information about Ado Ekiti. I am happy that we are receiving this information, but I am also eager to get started with the real details of the assignment (and the others feel the same way). But I know that I also have to exercise patience and know that things are happening at the pace they are for a reason. I was told that next week we will get some more detailed work assignments to get an overview of our work methods and different tools that we can use. There are basically about 9 weeks left and whilst that feels like a long time, I know that it is very short.


So in closing I am looking forward to getting this experience started! \o/

#ibmcsc nigeria

CSC assignment to Nigeria – now it feels more real (Week 1)…

Yesterday we had our first kick-off call as a team of people who are going to Nigeria as part of IBM’s Corporate Service Corps (CSC). All of the team members were present as well as the operations and support team who will be helping us with the logistics. We are Nigeria Team 6, meaning we will be the 6th IBM team to do a project in Nigeria. We spent a good part of the call making some introductions to each other, but I suspect we will have a lot more opportunity to get to know each other. We spent the other part of the call getting an overview of the programme, what we will need to do, and some more initial information with the promise of more to come. We also got to ask questions. We asked about the logistics of travel, security, types of projects, etc. I left the call feeling satisfied that we are on our way – and in some way wanting to quicken the pace 🙂

I awoke this morning to find several administrative and logistical e-mails in my inbox, including forms for travel, pre-work assignments, and more overview information. It somehow now feels real. Like there is no turning back (like I would want to). It’s hard not to feel excited for what is about to happen: the opportunity to serve, a new adventure, a new experience. I can already tell that this will not be about “kissing babies and shaking hands.” We will get some real work done, and I am confident that we will have real results to show for it.

Bring it on 😀

#ibmcsc nigeria

Of Mice and Internet

Yesterday we learned of the decision to terminate our company-provided internet access at our homes.  It’s a mixed blessing really as when the company paid for it, I was happy to be online and on-call anytime that they needed me.  However, it also meant that I never really felt disconnected.

So I look at it this way, once I pay for my own access, if I am needed to work evenings or weekends, it will be as simple as I will need to do it from an company location.  It will be different if I choose to work from home.  But otherwise, I’m not so very inclined to pay for the privilege of connecting to the office at home.  I think this will help the work-life balance as well.  So overall, I’m struggling to complain 😀