My Fitness Journey – Day 10 (Sunday, 10 January 2016)

So far, so good. There was no weight change over the last day. I shouldn’t be tracking weight changes this closely, but the simple fact is that since the technology is there to do, I just end up doing it anyway. I just keep on reminding myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

So the good news is that I am down 5kg since the beginning of the year (3kg of that in one week, 3-10 Jan), and my BMI has reduced 1,2% (0,5% of that in the one same week).

I am happy, but I am not going to blow it out of proportion. The main goal here is that I lose 1kg a week. Anything beyond that is potentially a bonus. I know a lot of the it is coming from the relatively (with a slip up) good eating I have done and fewer carbs.

I went for another session at the gym today and mostly did the elliptical to give my muscles a chance to rest.

For food, for breakfast I had a sorry attempt at cottage cheese pancakes that were South Beach Diet Phase 1 friendly; for lunch I had the rest of my chili; and for dinner I had soybean spaghetti with bolognese sauce (tasty and felt decadent, but the basic serving comes in at around 550 calories. I could even have made a 500 calorie version, but I know how I like my sauce.


Overall a pretty good day. I was happy. I have a little more than a week left on Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet before I move to 2 weeks of “Phase 1,5” which means that on the days I work out that I can eat on Phase 2, and the days I don’t work out must be on Phase 1. We’l see how it all goes.

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